Click on the links to the Forum House Rules and website’s Term of Use (found at the the bottom part of the site) to read and review the set guidelines and policies of the site.
How is Reclaiming Self being moderated?
The Admin and Moderators of the forum allow free-flowing discussions and encourage its members to generously share their stories, experiences, comments and ideas. In accordance to the House Rules and Term of Use, moderators reserve the right to delete comments or posts that are extremely inappropriate, spam, self-promotional and any other comments that harm the goodwill of the community and its members. Members can help moderators by flagging offensive comments and by reporting violators through the email form found at the Contact Us page (link to page is located at the bottom of the site). Persistent violators will be banned from Reclaiming Self.
How do I use the Community Forum?
The Reclaiming Self Forum requires registration of an account with a username and password. This allows for anonymity of the member, but to ensure privacy and security, forum users are advised to never disclose their login information to other parties. Read about the community’s Privacy Policy here.
Why is my blog comment not appearing?
Blog comments require review and approval by the moderators before they appear together with the specific post. The blog is also protected by a Smart Captcha feature to prevent spam comments.
I have a private concern. What is the best way to communicate and send feedbacks and suggestions to the Admin and Moderators of Reclaiming Self?
Click the link to the Contact Us page (found at the bottom part of the website) and it will redirect you to an email form that requires you to enter your name and email address. Response to your concern will be answered via email sent to the address you provided. Once an email form has been successfully submitted, this confirmation message will appear: “Thank you. Your message has been submitted. After the moderators have reviewed your message, you will receive a reply to your concern in the email address you have provided.”